Vegan Dad Cooks Again

The key to a healthy, plant based, delicious ,and active life is knowledge, desire,

and being prepared. Here are some meals and snacks to carry me through the next few days.

Be on the look out for some exciting news from

Vegan Dad. You too will be able to learn ,

The Why, The How, The What, The Where

of creating a plant based lifestyle for you, the planet,

and the people you love.

Good Health , healthy meals, being active are all choices within your reach. You can do it and I can help.

Always :

Be Kind


Eat Healthy

Move Your Body

Just Do It

Virtual Cinco de Mayo

Sharing time with family and friends, the only way we can.

Let’s see…we had some habanero and ginger grilled tempeh and pineapple, some roasted purple cauliflower with mesquite flavor, some sautéed zucchini, black and red kidney beans, Sazon flavored rice, peppers and onions fajita style, guacamole…and of course Pacifico, Modelo, and margaritas.

It was fun…not quite like a physical party, but the setup and cleanup are a lot easier.

The pandemic, all this isolation, everything closed, future plans unsure, it feels like time is standing still, but it’s not: lives, loves, everything is changing…a palpable anxiety overtaking the planet 

It just feels like we have more time to contemplate what’s going on in the world and our own lives. Not always a bad thing, but sometimes the truth hurts. However, it is what you need to find your true self. As Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” While it did not end well for him, it’s good to look inside and do your best to be true to who you are. Keep working until one day you can find that peace.

It all feels very real. Reach out, help out, check in, be there.

We are all truly in this together.


Looking around, there were signs everywhere. People in bibs, pictures of cattle on the wall, A-1 sauce on the table, and even men in cowboy hats having lunch.

Gazing at the menu, my fears were realized: steak, burgers, chicken, even lobster…wait a Salad! with eggs, cheese, and bacon…

Hmm…what to do…I was having lunch with some colleagues, not feeling like a fuss. Let’s see…World’s Greatest Philly Steak and Cheese—with peppers and onions! Veggies! Yes!

It came, wow, so hot, tasty and delicious. I’m about to dive in, take a huge bite… Mmmm….brinnnnggggggggg! Damn alarm clock! Awake I am now. I still dream in meat 🥩

Temptations are always there. You have to speak up: more and more restaurants have options, or will do something special for you. Like anything, the more people who adopt this plant-based diet, the more restaurants and grocery stores are going to change and embrace this healthy trend for people and the planet. Let me hear your stories of wanting to eat vegan, but feeling uncomfortable, not wanting to make a fuss. It’s worth it, you’re worth it. Healthy eating is a habit like anything else—be prepared at home or eating out.


Sitting at the Local Burger, across from my brother, he and everyone else enjoying some sloppy, tasty, aesthetically pleasing, 100% real beef burgers. Me, I’m eating a not-so-sloppy or -tasty, poor imitation veggie burger (there are better options now!).

“Why,” the chorus asks again, beef juice running down their collective chins, my brother’s being saved in his flavorful bushy beard, “did you become VEGAN?”

Interesting question, about a pursuit that is out of the ordinary, especially in my meat ‘n’ potatoes, third generation Jewish bakery and deli owners. I have many clear memories of my Dad walking behind the deli counter with a hot fresh bagel and slicing what looked like a pound of hot, amazing pastrami as a snack before going back to the ovens to bake! Yes, he did have a history of heart problems…

I had watched Forks Over Knives and thought it was pretty cool that diet could have such a profound impact on health and especially the medicine prescribed to us. I knew about marketers at Got Milk, coercing generations to drink that bovine concoction meant for baby cows. I had read many articles and books about sustainability and the deleterious environmental effects of raising cattle. I had once before, years ago, stopped eating meat for a short period after reading The Face on Your Plate. The guilt and deniability did not last.

All of this swirled in my head. I opened my mouth, ate my bowl of quinoa and said the truth, the answer any red blooded man (or woman) in love would say: I guess I was just trying to impress my girlfriend! She stopped being a vegan after month. I, on the other hand, am still going. We are still together, and my heart is healthy in so many ways.


                  -Vegan Dad 2019