Who Am I

Vegan Dad is me , Lee Weissman, a five-year vegan, eleven- time marathon runner, and father of four. Growing up in a family- owned Jewish Bakery & Deli, animal products were an essential part of my diet, my culture, and eventually my livelihood. Once I realized how this lifestyle negatively effected me and my family I decided to chart a new path.

Always passionate about cooking, I thoughtfully incorporated plant-based ingredients into my repertoire, experimenting with a number of culinary traditions from around the globe.

An avid runner for many years , I also began to complement this exercise with regular hiking, yoga, and meditation and weight training.

I have over 40 + years of experience in management within the food industry, have completed the Fork Over Knives Plant Based Cooking Course, the Mindfulness Stress Based Reduction Program at the Center for Mindfullness at UMass Memorial Health Care, and I have received the T Colin Campbell Plant Based Nutrition Certificate from E Cornell. I am now now working toward my National Board Certified Health Coaching Certification from the Wellcoaches School. I also have has also used my running to raise thousands of dollars for charities I believe in.

My authentic self is someone who lives a healthy life, keeps moving, and shares what I have learned to help people live their best life.