Happy Father’s Day

Happy Fathers Day

To all those Fathers out there , past and present . A day to thank you all for what you do, how you act, for the example you are to your children of how a person should conduct themselves in our world . Our Fathers impact us in so many ways , our looks, our patterns, our views, our values, our relationships.

My Dad is in me ..in so many ways , non more than my love of cooking and creating delicious food for those I love. Yes…he was not a Vegan, but as he aged he did cook a bit healthier.

He is in me at work , I so try to emulate his work ethic and his humanity and how he truly cared about the people that worked for him.

I repeat his sayings all the time , my favorite being “If your hands moved as fast as your mouth , you would be done by now”

He worked hard my Dad, he created a bakery

that fed and truly impacted the lives of so many people, families, and generations .

The people could taste, and feel the results of his love and pride , and talents(He was so creative and good at anything , much more than me) in whatever he did .

One of biggest sadness in life is not carrying on what he started . It was not meant to be

I realize , but the feelings sometimes linger

In the recesses of who I am . You know,

We spend our lives trying to make our Dad proud , whether they are still on this earth or beyond. It can help drive us or make us feel we are not good enough. My Dad always made me feel , I’m good, I knew he was proud of me.

He just did not judge me in accomplishments

,But in how I lived my life, treated others , cared about my community , and dealt with adversity . I remember telling him about me leaving the business, closing a store with his name on it …it was a gut wrenching , heartbreaking time on many levels . One of the biggest being a son disappointing his Dad.

He said ..I love you and I only want you to be happy .. No judgement, no anger only the rock solid love a man who cares for you and let’s you know you are most important ..not things,

Not pride , you.

Happy Fathers Day Dad

Reflections on Three-plus Years of Veganism

September 5, 2017 is when I started this gastric, life-affirming, planet-saving journey.

It makes so much sense that what you put into your body has a direct correlation to your health, either positively or negatively.
My family has a history of heart disease, and most of my siblings, including myself, were on cholesterol medicine. There was my goal: bring my cholesterol numbers down so I could stop taking the medicine. It took me six months, but I did it! I also had as much or more energy, lost weight, and felt pretty good that no animals were flowing through my system, even if I do have a lot less choices now when I shop or eat out

Beyond personal health, I started thinking about the planet. Eating plant-based is much more sustainable, and you can feed a lot more people with an acre of vegetables than an acre of livestock feed. Not to mention the methane gas from all those farting cows. Also, tell me this, have you ever met a right-wing Vegan? I don’t think so.

I know about the self righteous Vegan stereotypes…me, I love omnivores too! I just think overall healthy eating is good for you, and even eating Vegan once in a while is good for the planet.

Being a Vegan is a choice for my well-being as well as the planet’s, and for a lot of those fellow animals living their lives too. I feel great and I intend to keep moving, keep adventuring, and keep smiling every precious day.

What now? It feels great to be Plant Based. I want to make it easier and more attractive for people to incorporate some plant-based eating into their lives. I want to affect change in the places we eat, to bring knowledge and plant-based healthier options to restaurants and markets, reminding them that many times, the Vegan decides where the group goes to eat. I want to continue living every moment, by and always making the right choice for my health and the planet.

Join me on this journey!
Vegan Dad

Religion and Nature…Together in 5781

I have never been overly religious. I believe in God, the universe, some higher power that
presents possibilities to us in different ways, and we have to be awoke enough to see them and have the faith and courage to take action.
I feel culturally Jewish, but more spiritually Buddhist.

The High Holidays this year for me were very personal and a time of reflection on where I am and where I want to go. I strive to be awake, do what fills me up with joy, follow my passions, face my fears, and let the people I love know it, through my actions and words. I will be a positive influence in my community and the world, take care of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually, so that I have the strength to be able to care for others. Kindness and gratitude will carry me through my life.

I spent both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipper doing what has truly become one of my life’s passions, solo hiking up a mountain with a beautiful view on top. The combination of the strenuous effort to reach your goal, while having to be awake and mindful (so you don’t get lost or fall off!) is a good metaphor for life. The beauty of the journey through the forest, up the rocks, to the summit feels to me like healing for my soul. The breathtaking views, the air, the sweat, and the touch of the sun and wind make me feel so much closer to the Universe. Our crazy world is so far away, and all that exists is the all encompassing beauty of The Natural World. I feel that one day, when it’s my time, on a mountain I will be, and you will know…I was happy.

Mom, Grandma, Gloria

Happy 96th Birthday Mom!

You are such a special and sweet person even Alzheimer’s cannot dim your love for others and the way everyone in your life (even people you just meet) are drawn to you and your natural sweetness and joy. You’re the best!

It’s funny, I always thought my Dad was in charge, but I was wrong: it was a beautiful loving partnership. Growing up my Mom was always there, walking us home from school, making some lunch, putting our meat n potatoes in the table.

My Dad worked a lot, owning his own bakery and deli with his brother (which is a whole other story, about anger, frustration, and resentment), but to me my Mom was there to embarrass me. “My handsome boy…”she would say when introducing me sometimes. I had pretty low self esteem growing up, and my Mom was the only one I could talk to if I was feeling down, or hurt, or not like the ideal I thought I should be. She was sensitive, loving, smart, fiercely loyal, and always would embrace our friends as hers. So many of my friends and neighbors could feel her warmth and wisdom as she listened, and usually gave some type of sage advice (all the while laying on her couch).

She always was accepting, loving, and she worked so hard to keep our family together .We are all reaping the benefits now of her efforts to keep all of us kids so close. If my mom had something to say, she would say it–not in a bad way, but one where you would listen. She also sent a lot of letters; she could express her discontent (or happiness!) with you through writing beautifully.

She did not keep a totally, organized, strict household (we had our Aunt Syd for that). She let us play football in the den, leave our rooms a mess, and break all the garage windows playing basketball..but we sure ate good, and she was always there. A smiling, positive, influence, accepting life as it is, but always making the best of it no matter the situation.

My mom loved us all so much. You could feel it through everything she did. She accepted us, even when she disagreed with us…but the love never wavered.

After college, I moved to California for ten years, For ten years every conversation had the same ending: “when ya coming back?”, which is funny to think about as my own kids are now spreading out. My Mom was is also the most incredible grandma. She loves those Kids as much as her own. Moving back from California and by sheer luck (or the universe) moving next door to her and my Dad was the most beautiful part of my life.

Such a connection was built, such love was fostered and grown, my kids had two houses, (three after my divorce). It was so beautiful. And went both ways.. It’s the kind of feelings and love…that is just going to keep growing and continue to be passed on from generation to generation. That’s what love and family is.

Thank you Mom…

Happy 96th Birthday


Natural World

Wow — it’s so important to know what brings you peace, knowledge of yourself, of something so simple yet so integral to feeling at one with the world.

To me it’s just being in the woods, beside a running stream that culminates at a cascading waterfall…the sounds, the spray, the birds, music to my soul.

My plan was to drive today…and get away from people! I work in a grocery store, surrounded by people all day at varying intensities of anxiety. Nature just plugs into my psyche, gives me energy, happiness, and faith. The world seems to be falling apart in front of our eyes but the  beauty, sounds, smells of the natural world that have been here for thousands of years and still retain their allure give me hope.

Today, that’s all I need. Tomorrow we do what we can to keep it this way.

An Object in Motion

An object in motion stays in motion, an object at rest stays at rest. We have all heard that, it’s Sir Isaac Newton’s first law. It’s true about a lot of things I have come to think about in the context of my training for this (Los Angeles) Marathon.

The race is in the early spring, which means living here in New England I have to train in the winter, getting up early in the cold, dark mornings. Often I don’t want to get out of bed and do it. However, I have found that when I commit myself to do it, I get up, I get out there, I start moving…and it starts to feel good. It does not take long, boom, I’m into it, my mind is there, my body is there, I’m into the groove. The inertia of my actions take over and keep me going. My mind initially focused on just getting out the door, not anything about the elements, or the distance, or the time. Just get out there and start.

And when I am done, it’s “Wow, I can’t believe I just did that.” I try to take the time to thank myself–I did it! You really need to have gratitude for yourself. We all beat ourselves up over things we do or don’t do, so make sure to catch yourself doing something good.

I started thinking how this whole concept of body in motion stays in motion can affect other parts of our lives. When there is something I want to do in my life, or in my work, but it is too much, I can’t do it…if I could just get started…

Beginning is the hardest part…if you can start then the momentum of what you’re doing takes over to help you get done whatever you have to get done. It starts to feel better: you just had to breathe and jump in. You innately know how to take care of the rest.

No matter what you want to do, whether it’s lose weight, start exercising, start saving money, learn pottery, go to yoga, anything…put your energy into that initial step and let that great feeling of starting and doing what YOU want to do keep you moving toward your dreams.

It makes me think of another concept related to facing problems and overcoming obstacles that are so big, we just can’t fathom being able to overcome them. You put up your hands–I give up!

Just remember the old adage–and this is kind of funny coming from Vegan Dad–“How do you eat an elephant? (I’m certainly not condoning eating elephants, but “how do you eat a tree” does not sound the same). The answer is that you eat an elephant one bite at a time. You don’t have to tackle everything at once, just get started! Finish a piece and move on to the next one.

Those two things I believe are key to getting you and me motivated and going to where we want to be. Get in motion, get it started, one step at time. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. That’s what I’m doing!

Have a beautiful day.

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day out there to all the Dads .Vegan or not..

As important a job there is to help make the world a better place

One son or daughter at a time.

I think of my Dad often…A wise, talented, hardworking man as there ever has been.

He baked for a generation … Taught me so much….thru his actions more than words. A good lesson for all of us. One I try to carry on and you should too..




Looking around, there were signs everywhere. People in bibs, pictures of cattle on the wall, A-1 sauce on the table, and even men in cowboy hats having lunch.

Gazing at the menu, my fears were realized: steak, burgers, chicken, even lobster…wait a Salad! with eggs, cheese, and bacon…

Hmm…what to do…I was having lunch with some colleagues, not feeling like a fuss. Let’s see…World’s Greatest Philly Steak and Cheese—with peppers and onions! Veggies! Yes!

It came, wow, so hot, tasty and delicious. I’m about to dive in, take a huge bite… Mmmm….brinnnnggggggggg! Damn alarm clock! Awake I am now. I still dream in meat 🥩

Temptations are always there. You have to speak up: more and more restaurants have options, or will do something special for you. Like anything, the more people who adopt this plant-based diet, the more restaurants and grocery stores are going to change and embrace this healthy trend for people and the planet. Let me hear your stories of wanting to eat vegan, but feeling uncomfortable, not wanting to make a fuss. It’s worth it, you’re worth it. Healthy eating is a habit like anything else—be prepared at home or eating out.


Sitting at the Local Burger, across from my brother, he and everyone else enjoying some sloppy, tasty, aesthetically pleasing, 100% real beef burgers. Me, I’m eating a not-so-sloppy or -tasty, poor imitation veggie burger (there are better options now!).

“Why,” the chorus asks again, beef juice running down their collective chins, my brother’s being saved in his flavorful bushy beard, “did you become VEGAN?”

Interesting question, about a pursuit that is out of the ordinary, especially in my meat ‘n’ potatoes, third generation Jewish bakery and deli owners. I have many clear memories of my Dad walking behind the deli counter with a hot fresh bagel and slicing what looked like a pound of hot, amazing pastrami as a snack before going back to the ovens to bake! Yes, he did have a history of heart problems…

I had watched Forks Over Knives and thought it was pretty cool that diet could have such a profound impact on health and especially the medicine prescribed to us. I knew about marketers at Got Milk, coercing generations to drink that bovine concoction meant for baby cows. I had read many articles and books about sustainability and the deleterious environmental effects of raising cattle. I had once before, years ago, stopped eating meat for a short period after reading The Face on Your Plate. The guilt and deniability did not last.

All of this swirled in my head. I opened my mouth, ate my bowl of quinoa and said the truth, the answer any red blooded man (or woman) in love would say: I guess I was just trying to impress my girlfriend! She stopped being a vegan after month. I, on the other hand, am still going. We are still together, and my heart is healthy in so many ways.


                  -Vegan Dad 2019